Healing Space

Hi, I’m Mary Rose.

I am a caring, respectful, and committed Professional Counsellor and Root Cause Therapist working with individuals to facilitate healing and growth in Private Practice.
I have a Diploma in Professional Counselling and a practitioner’s certification in Root Cause Therapy Levels 1 & 2. 

I have helped people with addictions and also carers of children with addiction, helped people heal some deep-rooted traumas, and relationship issues and supported people through their grief and loss. All of these areas I have suffered from and healed in my life and come through to be the best version of myself. This is why I am dedicated to helping others find their own empowerment. 

I offer a safe, confidential space for either Counselling or an alternative healing therapy to explore and heal yourself on a deeper level to get to the root cause of limiting beliefs that no longer serve you. 

My Specialisations

Deep Rooted Traumas

As a Root-Cause Therapist, I facilitate healing deep seated traumas by working with an alternative therapy which combines talk therapy and trauma healing.  This works on all levels of consciousness; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to get to the root cause and heal people's past or perceived future that may be presently affecting them

Grief and Loss

Grief is a painful process we go through when we suffer a loss.  I understand everybody grieves in their own unique way and I am here to assist and support you through those intense emotions and work with you to find new ways of coping.


Relationships can have a profound effect on our lives whether they are partners, work colleagues, family members or friends.  I work with a Solution Focused approach which is focused on building what  the desired outcome is and having a conversation around the details of what that would look like . By focusing on what is desired, hope becomes introduced back into the relationship more quickly than being focused on the problem.   Hope has the power to turn that dream into reality

Addictions or are in Recovery

Any form of addiction is destructive and has the ability to destroy lives.  People act in ways that are foreign to their true nature.  Fortunately, recovery is possible with a consistent treatment programme and compassionate support.  I offer a safe, empathic and confidential space along with support as we explore an achievable recovery programme tailored specifically for you.

Carers of Children with Addiction

If you love someone who struggles with addiction, you know pain and devastation. It creates enormous worry, stress, anger and grief.  I provide a caring and safe space to explore your feelings and work with you to develop ways of communicating to your loved one and work on developing your own self care  through this challenging time.

Change Your Life

Find Your Inner Peace & Happiness


Listen to Jason's Story

Through the years I have worked with a number of clients who have been addicted to gambling and couldn’t stop. Through the session, I worked on different techniques that changed their life. I’m so proud to share the story of “Jason” who gambled for years, seeing themselves in a non-ending cycle of loss and failure. Until we met, Jason was able to find the inner person that saved them with a new start. Listen to Jason’s story that could be yours too. 

Mary Rose saved my life.
​When I met her my life was a living hell. My son has mental health issues and substance & alcohol addictions. I genuinely thought I was going insane. My life is still a living hell as my son is still controlled by this disease. But I deal with things so differently because of MaryRose’s counseling, understanding & guidance. Through her gentle and caring manner, she has taught me many valuable tools to cope with anything thrown in my path, and even be strong enough to take back my life.It is so easy to trust her and I always feel she is on my side, there is never any judgement, just acceptance and empathy.I thank you from the bottom of my heart for holding my hand through these last few years. I would not have gotten through them without you.
Healings from MaryRose along with therapy have been the lifeline I needed so much in my life. Getting to root issues has helped me get out of deep depression that I have had for 2 1/2 years. I find myself enjoying moments of serenity in my soul, moments of clarity and moments of forgiveness. I look at daily life in a better light it seems. I so look forward to our healing sessions as I can see the growth in my life. Thank you for working with me
I just wanted to send some love & gratitude to MaryRose! I have just completed Root Cause Therapy sessions with this beautiful lady and feel so incredibly blessed that I allowed my higher self to intuitively choose her to work with. To be truly seen & to feel so incredibly connected to & supported by someone I've never even met in person has been such a beautiful experience. And the RCT? Wow! I have just loved (& been in awe of!) the experience, which at times was breathtakingly intense and yet always so empowering and 'safe'. I cannot describe how much my life, heart & mindset has already shifted since my first session back in mid-March.

After seeing a few counsellors, therapists/psychologists throughout my life and not really gelling with any or feeling like they were really listening, I feel so Thankful to have found Mary-Rose.
I have been having sessions with Mary for the last year and a half (ongoing) and I can't thank her enough for the gentleness and patience she has with me. She really makes me feel comfortable and it feels as if she genuinely cares and wants to help as best she can.
Whether it be Root-cause therapy or general counseling, Mary-Rose goes the extra mile to ensure I am feeling at peace. After my session I always feel content and satisfied and I love finishing our session with a meditation.
I feel happy knowing I can reach out to Mary-Rose if I'm feeling a bit low or need to vent and she always has the right things to say or advice to give me which helps me see things in another light if I'm having a situation or going through a rough spot.
I am so grateful to have finally found a Councilor that I feel safe talking to.
I highly recommend Mary-Rose as a counselor to anyone wanting to start therapy.



Grief is a painful process we go through when we suffer a loss.  
There are many different losses that we can experience such as the death of a person or pet, the breakup of a relationship, the loss of an important role such as a job, the diagnosis of a life-changing illness of either ourselves or a loved one.  I understand everybody grieves in their own unique way. I also understand how talking about the loss you have suffered rather than keeping everything bottled up and or denying your sadness, allows you to express and understand your feelings.  In doing this, eventually, you will learn to cope with those feelings and it also helps resolve the underlying issues associated with the loss like feelings of anger, guilt, and longing.   I am here to assist and support you through those intense emotions and help you to find a new way of coping.  I offer a safe, confidential, and empathic space to do this.

Addiction is any form of addiction is a destructive illness that keeps someone from living the life they want.  
It has the ability to destroy lives and people act in ways that are foreign to their true nature.  Fortunately, recovery is possible with a consistent treatment program and compassionate support.  I offer a safe, empathic, confidential space along with support as we explore an achievable recovery program tailored specifically for you.

contact Mary Rose


Melbourne, Australia


0431 211 245


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